The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Home of Technologies Creates WAGO PLC and DIVUS KNX/Door Entry Server Solutions for Building Automation Projects

In the very competitive world of automation we are being bombarded by different options and different solutions. There are solutions coming more from the AV world – focusing on software and server solutions (Crestron, Savant), or engineering solutions (KNX Bus, WAGO PLC, Ingenium BUSing) – implementing integration through detailed settings on lighting, heating, alarm control (with possible extensions to other systems).

In all of this spider’s web of marketing campaigns, small and big battles between main players can make it confusing as to which route to take. This uncertainty applies equally to engineer, contractor and end user.

At Home of Technologies (HoT) we recently carried out extensive study and research comparing systems and finding, other that end user taste, the ultimate key to approach your project. Our technical team assessed 20 projects – from small residential (5 bedroom) projects to medium commercial (5 floors – 80 offices) projects where we supplied the systems/solutions.

We looked equally at aesthetics and practicalities of the solutions with reference to efficiency of the budget.

Our criteria were measured on a scale 0-5, and outcome was measured as average in points. We focused on following categories: functionality, time taken for integration, multi-platform interactions, software/application adjustment options, price, future proofing, expansion/alteration options. These seven test categories exposed some minor and unexpected issues. We found Wago PLC Controler 750-849 in position 1, Crestron in position 2, KNX in position 3, Ingenium BUSing in position 4, Savant in position 5, with overall scores of 4.7, 4.4, 4.1, 3.4 and 3.1 respectively.

Home of Technologies WAGO PLC and DIVUS

Based on this research, we created our own solution – suitable for end user and integrator – with a wide range of engineering and building applications based on the WAGO PLC 750 controller, a range of 0-10V dimming modules, relays and contacts, and all in conjunction with DIVUS KNX/Door Entry server. In comparison with the rest of the systems tested, this unique solution proved to save from 22-45% on average cost of the ‘control components’, win 25% more contract on user friendly interface and showed flexibility in interaction with Crestron, Control4 and other AV components (using a free android app and the IP address of your Crestron/Control 4 server to provide content with visualisation on the DIVUS touch screen).

WAGO and DIVUS is now our recommended solution for any size of project with any type of lighting, heating and AV. For KNX integrators, we supply a complex cabinet with all components and an electrical termination diagram based on your project requirements. Along with the box, you will receive an XML file which you import to ETS4 and all your desired group objects appear in your project – all you have to do is to drag dedicated group objects to your group addresses. All we need is your specification and project drawings – PDF or AutoCad.

For more details and complete project prices email

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