The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Lime International Introduces Riva Switch KNX-TP Intelligent Room Controller

The intelligent room controller ‘RIVA Switch’ uses a KNX-TP connection for the easiest integration into the KNX system and can be configured directly in ETS without a plug-in or any additional components.

The RIVA switch comes with a high-resolution colour graphics display and four keys (illuminated with RGB-LEDs). It can be combined with nearly all conventional 55mm switch ranges. It is possible to define up to 30 pages with five functional groups, each with six pages (light/shading/value encoder/state display/scenes).

The standard colours for the Riva switch are white and black.

Add on Temperature Sensor features:
Installation dimensions: SSmm x SSmm x 20mm
Temperature measurement (measurement range: 0 55-C – 0 SS+C)

Add on Temperature & air humidity measurement & motion detector features:
Installation dimensions: SSmm x SSmm x 20mm
Temperature measurement( 0 SS-C – 0 SS+C
Air humidity measurement (%0 until %100 – non-condensing)
Motion detector (range Sm.)

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