The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

BEMCO Webinars: ABB, Zennio and Theben

BEMCO will be running free KNX Product Training for ABB, Zennio and Theben at its Wandsworth branch in London from 9:00am till 1:00pm.

ABB Products Training: – postponed, new date to be announced

This session will provide an introduction to the latest ABB products including the latest KNX i-bus Combi Actuators.
There will also be an open discussion and Q&A.

Zennio HVAC Control with KNX: Tuesday 21st April 2020

Discover Zennio Flat family along with a couple of KLIC interfaces. 

1. Preliminary Concepts 
– Climate Systems (maximum 30 minutes)
– Thermostatic Control (maximum 30 minutes)
2. Control Solutions (1,5 hours approx.)
– Involved parts (thermostats & controllers)
– Fan Coil Controllers
– AC Interfaces
– Zoning
– Heating valves + boiler
3. Zennio Thermostats (1 hour approx.)
– Software vs Hardware (explanation regarding functional blocks, why there are thermostats in many devices…).
– Thermostat explanation
4. Practical Exercises (1 hour approx.)
– Heating Control
– Air Conditioning Control
– Heating + AC + additional heating
– Special Modes (Advanced Thermostat).
There will also be an open discussion and Q&A.

Theben Latest Products Training: Wednesday 13th May 2020

Come and review the latest Theben products and play with their new Smart Home system called ‘Luxor Living’.
There will also be an open discussion and Q&A.

To find out more and to register visit:

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JUNG area / line coupler

JUNG area / line coupler
The JUNG area / line coupler connects two KNX lines while retaining electrical isolation. Across publicly accessible areas, such as corridors ...