KNX in Japan: hospitality away and at home
Ahmed Zhaki explains how the use of KNX is evolving in Japan, and how using his home as a KNX showroom has helped him win

Light + Building 2024 Show Report: highlights from the larger stands
Yasmin Hashmi looks at a selection of KNX member stands located throughout the building automation halls, and gives some highlights of what was new. Light

Light + Building 2024 Show Report: KNX Members on the KNX stand
Yasmin Hashmi provides highlights from the KNX members exhibiting on the main KNX Association stand at Light + Building 2024. Light + Building, the leading

ETS6: new features improve the user experience
Michael Critchfield takes a look at how ETS6 has revolutionised the way KNX is commissioned and how the new features help improve the user experience.

Light + Building 2024 Show Report: KNX Association and the E-Haus
In the first of her Light + Building show reports, Yasmin Hashmi focusses on the KNX Association presence at the show, the ZVEH E-Haus and

KNX and Matter: Position Paper
Joost Demarest and Casto Cañavate provide a high-level comparison of KNX and Matter, discuss how the two technologies can work together, and show why a

Country Profile: KNX Azerbaijan Userclub
Yasmin Hashmi looks at the KNX market in Azerbaijan and the recent formation of the KNX Azerbaijan Userclub. The Republic of Azerbaijan, nicknamed ‘The Land

KNX – A Brand with Values You Can Trust: Part 2
In Part 2 of this two-part series, Yasmin Hashmi looks at the KNX approach to reliability, security, the future and the KNX community. In Part

Annual Review: KNX has all the answers
Simon Buddle looks back over significant developments for KNX in 2023 and forward into 2024, including LED control, RF radiator valves and KNX being embraced

KNX – A Brand with Values You Can Trust: Part 1
In Part 1 of this two-part series, Yasmin Hashmi describes to the lay-person what KNX is, what it can do, and why it can be