The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Juniper Research – Consumer Electronics Show 2019: Disruptors, Innovators & Cash Cows Whitepaper

Juniper Research - Consumer Electronics Show 2019

Don’t miss the latest from CES 2019. The show may be over but you can still catch up with all the highlights in our CES 2019 – What’s Next whitepaper. Consumer Electronics Show 2019: Disruptors, Innovators & Cash Cows.

This year, more than any other, it really feels like we are on the cusp of a new wave of technological development, with three major new technologies (5G, AI and Big Data) either launching imminently or starting to reach maturity. Focuses are shifting from hardware launches and connectivity to more service- and intelligence-led approaches.

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JUNG area / line coupler

JUNG area / line coupler
The JUNG area / line coupler connects two KNX lines while retaining electrical isolation. Across publicly accessible areas, such as corridors ...