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Light+Building 2014 Offers Extensive Programme of Events Revolving Around the Motto ‘Explore Technology for Life’

At Light+Building, the world’s biggest trade fair for lighting and building-services technology in Frankfurt am Main from 30 March to 4 April, the international industry presents new products for lighting, electrical engineering, house and building automation and software for the building industry. In addition to the extensive spectrum of products being shown by the 2,458 exhibitors, the multi-faceted programme of events offers an opportunity to exchange information and take an in-depth look at subjects of topical interest to the sector under the motto of Light+Building 2014, ‘Explore Technology for Life – the best energy is energy that isn’t consumed’.

The industry presents solutions and technologies that reduce the energy consumption of a building at the same time as increasing the level of comfort. Everything is covered: from LED technology to intelligent electricity usage with smart metering and smart grids. Thanks to the combination of lighting and networked building technology, the industry is able to present an integrated spectrum of products that play a decisive role in exploiting the energy-saving potential of buildings to the full.

‘Smart Powered Building’ special show

One of the main themes at Light + Building 2014 is building and energy management, a subject of particular importance for the success of measures to restructure the energy-supply infrastructure.

Initiated by Messe Frankfurt with the support of the German Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. – ZVEI), the ‘Smart Powered Building – Your Building in the Smart Grid’ special show presents technologies for intelligent and decentralised energy management in a networked building. Market-ready systems show clearly how buildings generate, store, use and distribute energy and, in a kind of control room, simulate the potential offered by intelligent networking in five typical commercial properties – sports centre, factory, supermarket, office building and hotel.

The E-House of the Central Association of the German Electrical and Information Technology Trades (Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informationstechnischen Handwerke – ZVEH) picks up this thread and shows the forms that intelligent energy management can take in private households: the ‘Energy-saving power station’ shows realistically and topically how the shift away from nuclear power functions on a practical level and how energy efficiency can go hand-in-hand with an increased level of comfort and security. Moreover, individual energy generation reduces the degree of dependence on public utilities.

Building Performance

In discussions, seminars and lectures, Building Performance gives trade visitors the chance to gather knowledge and conduct a dialogue on the subjects of lighting and integrated building-services technology. One of these events is, for example, the ‘Futurecourse’ talks, which brings together representatives of politics and business at the world’s biggest trade fair for lighting and building-services technology from 31 March to 2 April. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the fair, the discussions will revolve around topical subjects, such as decentralised energy supply, the resource-friendly use of energy and the future of the lighting market under the growing influence of LED and OLED technologies.

The ‘Futurecourse’ talks are part of the Technology Forum organised by Messe Frankfurt and ZVEI to promote the exchange of specialist information between exhibitors and visitors. In expert lectures, representatives of ZVEI member companies offer insights into the latest developments and trends in the smart home, lighting, security, energy efficiency and decentralised energy-generation fields.

Trend Forum 2014 – the home trends for the coming season

To be seen exclusively at Light+Building, the Trend Forum with the home trends for 2014 and 2015 is a magnet for the retail trade, designers, architects and interior architects. The focus of the Trend Forum is on the main tendencies, which are grouped in four home worlds. To this end, ultra-modern home scenarios and selected products are integrated into extraordinary presentations. The Trend Forum is designed by the experts of internationally renowned trend bureau bora.herke.palmisano, Frankfurt am Main and Berlin.

Design Plus powered by Light + Building

The ‘Design Plus powered by Light + Building’ competition stands for the innovative and future-oriented product solutions offered by exhibitors at Light+Building. The award-winning products are put on show at a specially designed exhibition during the fair. Students and graduates of creative courses of study can also enter the competition with visionary concepts and solutions. For young designers, the competition is an excellent opportunity to present their ideas to the sector and make contact with manufacturers. An international jury of experts judges entries on the basis of three main criteria: technology, ecology and design. The competition is organised by Messe Frankfurt in cooperation with the German Design Council (Rat für Formgebung), the centre for design excellence in Germany.

‘Treffpunkt Zukunft’ – the meeting place for tomorrow’s talents

Attracting and retaining young specialists is gaining in significance nowadays. The ‘Treffpunkt Zukunft’ area is a meeting place for tomorrow’s talents and uses practice-oriented events to create bonds of loyalty to them. In the ‘Workshop Street’, young trade visitors and trainees from the electrical and information technology trades have the chance to learn about the latest techniques and installation procedures. In the ‘boxes’ of various manufacturers, trainees demonstrate their skills, offer tips to each other and look to see what’s new. With the Light + Building Job Exchange, Messe Frankfurt actively helps young people by providing a special area where exhibitors can advertise current job offers.

Together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie – BMWi), Messe Frankfurt also gives innovative start-ups the chance to take part in Light + Building. The aim of this programme is to promote the export of new products and help companies gain a foothold in the market.

Under the motto ‘Industry meets Students’, the ZVEI and the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik – VDE) are holding a special day for young people at Light+Building on 4 April. On this day, all students are invited to make contact with renowned electrical-engineering companies and to attend interesting lectures on subjects of vital importance to the sector.

* Preliminary figures (2013)

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