The Pioneers: TAPKO Technologies reflects on 25 years of KNX

Dipl. Ing. Klaus Adler and Dipl. Ing. Petar Tomić take a look at TAPKO’s history and its role in the development of KNX. TAPKO Technologies, based in the southern German city of Regensburg, has been a trailblazer in the field of building automation for 25 years. Founded in 1999 by engineers Klaus Adler and Petar […]
Review: KNX highlights of 2024 and outlook for 2025

Yasmin Hashmi asks a selection of KNX Association personnel and board members for their highlights of 2024 and what they look forward to in 2025. Jean-Christophe Krieger, President of the KNX Association and KNX Chief Product Officer for Schneider Electric Industries S.A. From the KNX Executive Board level, we started 2024 with a two-day strategic […]
Interview: Jean-Christophe Krieger on becoming the new President of the KNX Association

In this interview, KNX Association’s new President, Jean-Christophe Krieger from company Schneider Electric, shares his thoughts on the priorities for the KNX Association (KNXA) and its continuing drive towards sustainability for a positive climate change impact. KNXtoday: Firstly, congratulations on your new appointment as President of KNX Global Association! The baton has been passed to […]
ETS6 Tip and Tricks: KNX topology

Michael Critchfield gives an overview of what a KNX installation topology could comprise, and how communication between KNX devices within different media and security types can take place. My last article focused on workflow options using Groups. Another important part of any KNX Installation is the topology. Even when not in focus and with ETS6 […]
Assisted Living: transforming later living with KNX-powered smart home solutions

Kevin Lenton explains how KNX technology solutions can address the needs of an ageing population. As with many developed countries, the UK is on the brink of a demographic shift. The United Nations forecasts that by 2043, 24% of the UK population will be 65 or older, signalling an urgent need for housing that caters […]
System Reliability: dealing with the Internet

Simon Buddle argues that whilst KNX installations are inherently robust, if we add the Internet to our control system infrastructure, we should at least mitigate against outages and access issues. I heard on the radio last week someone describe Google as part of the infrastructure for modern day living. Indeed, the Internet is part of […]
Wireless Communication with KNX: a plethora of possibilities for manufacturers and users

Joost Demarest takes a look at how wireless communication options have developed for KNX from a simple solution in the nineties, to the recent KNX RF extensions, IPv6 networks and Thread. The development of KNX RF When installers think of KNX, most of them immediately think of the green cable, the basis for physically exchanging […]
KNX in Japan: hospitality away and at home

Ahmed Zhaki explains how the use of KNX is evolving in Japan, and how using his home as a KNX showroom has helped him win business in the hospitality sector. In Japan, rising electricity bills and issues such as aging infrastructure and labour shortages have increased awareness of the importance of automation. Whilst the use […]
ETS6: new features improve the user experience

Michael Critchfield takes a look at how ETS6 has revolutionised the way KNX is commissioned and how the new features help improve the user experience. ETS (Engineering Tool Software) is the one tool you need to commission KNX installations as a KNX Partner. The software is developed by the KNX Association with free updates being […]
Light + Building 2024 Show Report: KNX Association and the E-Haus

In the first of her Light + Building show reports, Yasmin Hashmi focusses on the KNX Association presence at the show, the ZVEH E-Haus and the formation of Women in KNX. Light + Building, the leading international biennial trade fair for lighting and building services technology, took place from 3 – 8 March 2024 at […]