The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Smart Buildings 2019 Debates Smart Buildings from the Developer’s, Tenant’s and User’s Perspectives

Smart Buildings 2019 is a unique one-day conference with leading thinkers coming together to debate the new world of work, exploring new trends and how to best enhance assets of space, technology and people. We examine Smart Buildings from the Developer’s, Tenant’s and User’s perspectives covering latest innovations across intelligent Building Management Systems, location aware beacons, sensors, smart devices, wearables and much more. Join 200 senior professionals from workplace, property, FM, technology, innovation, architecture and design to explore this new world of work and what it means for future workplace.

Our expert speakers from across the industry will examine how the technological landscape is changing and how we can use it to transform the way we work. From cognitive buildings and self-learning workplaces to creating buildings that operate more efficiently whilst maximising productivity and collaboration, we will address a range of key trends and issues emerging in the smart buildings sector.

Confirmed Speakers:

•Julian Barker, Head of Smart, British Land | How can Technology make outstanding spaces?Julian Barker looks at how smart technologies are changing people’s expectations of space.
•Kevin McCullagh, CEO, Plan | Redesigning work in the age of automation-. Kevin will outline different types of collaboration, as well as ways to prepare for the transition to a new division of labour between people and technology.
•Brian Marchal, Director of Workplace Change Real Estate and Workplace Solutions, Willis Towers Watson | Evolving the connected workplace-Brian will examine how companies should drive opportunities through workplace experience and data.
•Rob Bullough, Head of Real Estate & Workplace for EMEA & Richard Muraszko, Group Property Strategy Manager, Vodafone | Expert Panel: Occupiers perspective. Our panellists will share their perspective on how technology is changing and helping boost workplace productivity.
•Matthew Marsen, Head of Smart Buildings, WSP Group | Matthew will share his own experience, drawing upon what worked and, more importantly, what didn’t. He will give an honest account of past projects with a focus on the failures.
•Derek Clements-Croome, Professor Emeritus, Reading University | Intelligent Buildings for the 21st century•Matias Romo, CEO, Stgo Lab | Buildings of the Future: Challenges, Gaps, and Fills
•Tomi Teikko, Head of Empathetic Buildings, Tieto | Digital Twin -enabling end-user experience. Tomi will give practical examples of how to use humans to enable real smart building experience.

Register now for Smart Buildings 2019 at the special Loyalty rate of £399 at or via phone +44 2089778920

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JUNG area / line coupler

JUNG area / line coupler
The JUNG area / line coupler connects two KNX lines while retaining electrical isolation. Across publicly accessible areas, such as corridors ...