The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

KNX Spain Elects New Board at its General Assembly

KNX Spain held its annual General Assembly on May 25th in the historic surroundings of the Wax Museum of Barcelona. The venue was was chosen to reflect the fact that 2015 is a historic year due to the 25th anniversary of the worldwide KNX standard.

The most important events and activities since the last meeting were presented, as well as the planned events for the coming months. In this context, October 20th was particularly highlighted as the day that the 25th anniversary will be celebrated worldwide. KNX Spain will hold its VI Congress KNX, on this occasion in Palma de Mallorca.

According to its statutes, the General Assembly also elected the new board for KNX Spain: Mr. Álvaro Mallol of Dicomat/Wago is the President and Mr. Sergio Hernández of Siemens is the Vice-President.

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JUNG area / line coupler

JUNG area / line coupler
The JUNG area / line coupler connects two KNX lines while retaining electrical isolation. Across publicly accessible areas, such as corridors ...