The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

How To Smart Home: A Step by Step Guide Using Internet, Z-Wave, KNX & OpenRemote

How To Smart Home- A Step by Step Guide Using Internet, Z-Wave, KNX & OpenRemoteBy Othmar Kyas
Kindle Edition: 238 pages
Publisher: Key Concept Press; 2nd edition (15 June 2014)

This book demonstrates how to take home automation and smart homes (smarthome) to the next level, using state of the art technologies such as tablets, smartphones, and the Internet in conjunction with the latest wireline and wireless home automation standards. It has been written for anyone who wants to use smartphone control to automate a building or a residential home. It is suited for both the technology loving hobbyist as well as the professional consultant. Technologies and platforms which are used in the projects described in the book are:

– Wi-Fi / WLAN
– Telnet, HTTP, TCP/IP
– Z-Wave
– ZigBee
– Drools (an open source object oriented rule engine)
– OpenRemote (an open source building automation platform)
– Operating systems: Mac OS X / Linux / Windows

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JUNG area / line coupler

JUNG area / line coupler
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