The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Memoori ‘Cyber Security in 2017! What can Smart Buildings expect?’ Webinar


Wednesday 11th Janaury, 4pm GMT

Cyber Security in 2017! What can Smart Buildings expect? A Q&A Webinar with Billy Rios, Founder of WhiteScope LLC. We will be discussing what lessons can be learnt from the Dyn DDoS Attack.

Webinar Highlights…

-Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack. What is the malware software, Mirai, and how did it infect so many connected Video Cameras?
-What can we expect in 2017? Will there be more Cyber Security attacks using Smart Building IoT Connected Devices?

This is a really great FREE opportunity to hear Billy share his experience from a long career in helping secure building automation systems from cyber attack.

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JUNG area / line coupler

JUNG area / line coupler
The JUNG area / line coupler connects two KNX lines while retaining electrical isolation. Across publicly accessible areas, such as corridors ...